In a proactive effort to promote transparency and accountability, the RTI officer for Okaikoi South Sub-Metro District Council educated meeting participants on the Right to Information Act 2019 (Act 989) during a Sub-Metro Council Meeting. The meeting, organized to discuss the formation of Sub-Committees, presented a valuable opportunity for the RTI officer to enlighten all attendees, including the staff of the sub-metro.
The diverse group of participants included the Sub-metro Director, Sub-metro Chairman, Assembly Members, Unit Committee Members, Presiding Member, Heads of Departments, and staff of the Okaikoi South Sub-Metro District Council.
The RTI officer provided a comprehensive overview of the key provisions, objectives, and benefits of the RTI Act, empowering attendees with knowledge on how to exercise their right to access information from both public institutions and recognized private organizations that engage with the government.
The presentation effectively communicated the advantages of exercising the right to information, and the RTI officer furnished participants with contact information and resources for further assistance. Participants were encouraged to reach out with questions or seek additional guidance in utilizing the RTI Act. A follow-up plan was established to assess the program’s impact and address any ongoing queries or challenges that may arise in the future.
The RTI officer expressed gratitude to the participants for their active participation and thanked Sub-Metro Director David Aboagye for granting the opportunity to educate participants about the RTI Act 2019. This initiative contributes to a well-informed and engaged community, fostering transparency and accountability within the Okaikoi South Sub-Metro District Council and the district.